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Chicago, IL, United States
Every since I was a little girl watching "The Bob Newhart Show" I have wanted to move to Chicago. Now is my time and I am super excited!! Call me crazy - but life is too short not to go for it!! In this blog I will be documenting all the ups and downs of our adventure -

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September 29, 2009

Saturday September 20th was the Race For the Cure.  The 3rd one that we've walked in.  This year Connor joined us as well as Brianna.

It was Iggy's first time too!  He did so well!!

Here I am - looking a little "plump"!

It was nice to see so many "In Celebration of"!

Even some kitties joined the walkA very successful walk - Thanks to everyone for taking the time to walk with me!!

September 19, 2009

A Sale, a Birthday and a Family Visit - Who Could Ask for Anything More? =)

Last weekend started with the daunting task of sell all of our "Stuff" - Good grief!!We didn't even know where to start - thank God for Ann!!  She came to the rescue and sorted everything out and gave me some idea of what to sell stuff for! It was a great success.  I made some money, got rid of some stuff, and got to talk to some friends and neighbors!!   I didn't get a lot of pictures because I was too busy making money! :-)

September 9, 2009

I am TIRED and oh so SORE!!!

Forrest and I - with help from some friends (thanks Ryan,Geneva & Britt) and family (thanks Ann, Mom and Dad) were finally able to complete enough of our house projects to be able to meet our Tuesday deadline for a Broker Open House.

The kitchen didn't take too long...The counter tops sure look nice!

A little staging helped!

Looks very nice!!

Forrest  came up with a great idea of turning one of our small kitchen cabinets into a small bar- you can kind of see it to the left...

and our entry way looks great with the table Forrest built.

We're all exhausted and feeling like we're one step closer to Chicago!! 

September 2, 2009

Now what you've all been waiting for......

Ahhhhh Chicago!!  What can I say? We had a fantastic time!!  I LOVE IT!  It's everything that Bob Newhart said it would be and more!:-)

The El is a great way to get your excersize in.  It's really funny because you don't really expect to see something look exactly like it does in the movies but the El looks EXACTLY like it does in the movies!

We actually walked the Magnificent Mile - but this is the best picture I could get without getting hit by a crazy taxi driver.

I got a kick out of the fact that there is an "Ashland" and "Cottage Grove" in Chicago!

The bridges are great! The tour boats sqquuueeezzee underneith them.

Here is a picture of the famous Corn Cob tower - built in 1962 - a good year!

So we've narrowed it down to 2 apartments that we like.  One in the South Loop and one in "The Loop" - which is downtown.  Let's hope one of them is still availble after we get the house sold!  ARGH!

Mom & Dad - 50 Years and Still Together! - GOOD GOD!!

August 22, 2009 - 50 years since my parent (Jeri and Tricia) were married - on my Mom's 21st birthday no less (I am sure she is cringing right now that I am revealing her age! :-)).

They will be traveling to Germany for a cruise down the Rhien this month with friends to celebrate. We had a little party for them on their anniversary and we all had quite a good time! Kevin came up from Oakland and Ann and I were able to spend some quality time with him setting up for the party.

Good time was had by all!

September 1, 2009

Let's see.... where to start....

The house goes was supposed to go on the market this Friday but we decided we needed this three day weekend to get things in order. So... the house will go on the market on Tuesday the 8th. That is a load off our backs as we were really in crunch mode to get everything done!!

I tell you - I can't WAIT till this is all done!!
***Due to my tardiness regarding my posts I am going to post three different ones for different events. I feel that they were each worth their own space! :-)

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