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Chicago, IL, United States
Every since I was a little girl watching "The Bob Newhart Show" I have wanted to move to Chicago. Now is my time and I am super excited!! Call me crazy - but life is too short not to go for it!! In this blog I will be documenting all the ups and downs of our adventure -

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September 16, 2010

What I did Labor Day Weekend

As some of you may or may not know we had been planning to travel to California over Labor Day to attend Forrest's Grandmother's 50th Wedding anniversary.  Unfortunately we were unable to swing the expense and instead, ended up doing a "staycation". The following is our day 1 adventure.

Of course - we woke at the crack of dawn... as usual!

It's time to get in the Zip car and go!!

Shouldn't be too far now.....

I think I see some dunes....

We arrive and decide to do a little hiking.....

Probably wasn't the best idea to wear my new "walking" shoes in the sand!

We saw lots of Butterflies

How cool - let's keep going!

What's Forrest looking at?

Trains of course!


You've gotta love all the trees!  Kind of makes me homesick! 

 dang - it keeps going?

Finally the Lake!

This is what they call a "Bath House" where you can change into your swim suit.

It kind of makes us think were at the ocean...except for the Chicago skyline in the distance!!

Yep - that's Chicago!  How weird! :-)

After we had done enough exploring of the Indiana shoreline we decided to get something to eat.

Back on the road we go.....

Ok... this is a little weird. I haven't seen one of these in quite awhile!!

Can you believe that people literally have house right in front of this thing?!  Wait a minute.....There has GOT to be somewhere to eat around here!!

Bingo!!  A brewery right new to the nuclear power plant -awesome!!


That Forrest!! He always finds the best places to eat!! :-)

Time to head back home after that lovely lunch!  Back to the big city!!

Tomorrow....day 2. Good God I am sure the suspense will kill you! 


  1. Beautiful pictures of your hike to the lake, Mary! I had no idea you were in Indiana until I got almost to the bottom of your post! Love that wooden structure that was built to get people over the dunes. What incredible weather you had, too!
    How was the beer at the Shoreline Brewery? I've heard they add a little something extra at that place... ah ha ha ha! (Totally reminds me of The Simpsons!)
    Wait a second, where the HELL is Day 2?

  2. It totally looks like the ocean, and then the skyline is just floating there, which is totally weird, but cool. How long of a drive is it from downtown to the trail-head?

    We miss you guys.


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